Certain Death


Certain Death fängt mit erstklassigem Klassik-Rock einer schnell gespielten Bach-Fuge an, geht mit a-capella-Introduktion und gleih zwei sehr melodischen Balladen weiter und gipfelt in der ausgefuchst arrangierten Gitarrenarbeit von Andi Gutjahr im Titelsong. Frank Wegner ist kein gurgelnder Menschenfresser, sondern könnte auch Irish Folk singen. Anspruchsvoll, gitarristisch hochbegabt. Speedmetal für Abiturienten mit Musikleistungskurs.

Metal Direct

Das Quartett um Gitarrist Andi Gutjahr präsentiert auf Certain Death melodischen Hardrock mit eindeutigem Schwerpunkt auf dessen virtuosem Gitarrenspiel. Die 7 Songs auf Certain Death lassen aufhorchen.


Aus deutschen Landen frisch auf den Tisch. Certain Death von Lightmare. Die sieben Songs sind so ziemlich das Beste, was ich seit langem aus Deutschland gehört habe. Guter Metal, musikalisch wirklich erstklassig

Underground Flock (USA)

From Germany comes melodic metal with a touch of thrash. Also with keyboard which really enhances the songs. I detect some obvious classical influence as well. These guys are excellent! I really like this tape because of the tremendous instrumental ability, with the melodic vocals and harmonies. This tape is 6 songs of good music an is worth getting.


Lightmare – Certain Death (released 1993 Listen or Dont Records)
German power metal has always been famous for good bands and Lightmare has taken their first step to bring some good power metal to the Christian scene. The band is technically competent and produces some metal that will remind people of Blind Guardian. The music has energy, power, technical competence, lots of hooks and interesting progression. Drummer Frank Wegner handles both the drumming duties and the vocal duties. He succeeds in the percussion department and displays some great technical ability as well as sense of rhythm. He does not succeed in the vocal department though. To be honest, the vocals are awful. They dont have the range a power metal vocalist should have nor do they have the power and intensity. The vocals get to be annoying after a few songs. Guitarist Andi Gutjahr does an excellent job on this cd though. Lightmare has the talent but needs a vocalist who can match the music. Songs on the cd include End of Dawn at Noon 32 AD (instumental), Despair, Black Mess, Grave, Certain Death, Fade Away and Fearless Soldiers. Lyrically the band is straightforward for Christ and does a competent job writing in English. 6 of 10. Review by exact.